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"JAQ" Workshop Manager
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How much does JAQ cost

JAQ software uses a license system renewed every month. Basically, you pay a fee of $70 ex GST* per week, invoiced monthly, per site or business branch, for up to 50 employees. There is no limit to the number of PC's accessing JAQ or the number of open instances of the running program. If you have more than 50 employees, the license will increase by $10 per week for every extra 50 employees. So if you have 51 to 100 employees, you would only pay $80 per week total.


Will JAQ talk to my accounting program?

JAQ can export purchases, jobs and invoices in a format that can be imported by most versions of MYOB, with the exception of MYOB Essentials. MYOB Essentials, a cloud version of MYOB, has very limited import and export functionality and thus can not import records from JAQ ( or import anything useful from anything for that matter ).

Reckon / Quickbooks uses a more complicated import file format ( called IIF ) that is not well documented compared to MYOB's file format documentation. Currently JAQ can export purchases in a Reckon friendly format, and we are still developing the code to export job and invoice IIF files.

Xero can import MYOB files, so will work fine with JAQ exports.

JAQ also provides exports of time sheets and jobs in Excel format, which can be imported by most accounting systems.

JAQ can also use the account codes used by accounting programs to display an account summary for any purchase or job.

Most JAQ clients use JAQ for the day to day business, and their accounting program (MYOB for example) for invoicing and payroll. The accounting program contains the summary of any jobs, purchases and timesheets, while JAQ contains the detail. A purchase in JAQ may contain several line items, eg various steel lengths in different sizes and quantities adding up to $100, while the MYOB record contains one line item, the account summary, eg, 4-100 Steel, $100. Both the MYOB record and JAQ record are the same, and are tied to each other, but JAQ has the details the employees need, while MYOB has the summary the accountant needs.

What about payroll?

No. JAQ can not process pays. It can however provide reports in a format to make entering the details into a payroll program easier. These reports include the employee name, the times they start and finish each day, lunch breaks and overtime breakdown. We can also customise JAQ to export a file if your payroll program has a import option.

JAQ is designed to work with and enhance your accounting system, not replace it. While JAQ can do basic invoicing, it can not do typical accounting software tasks like payroll, bank reconcile, refunds, BAS, etc. JAQ's advantage over typical accounting software is its user friendly quotation and job costing, network access and extra features suited to a workshop environment.

Is JAQ in the "cloud"?

No. JAQ is installed on your office server and runs as a background service. If your internet connection has failed, JAQ will continue to run unaffected on the internal network.

You can set up your network internet connection to allow JAQ access remotely, in effect creating your own virtual cloud.

If you currently use or plan to use a cloud based server, JAQ can be installed on a cloud based server if desired.

We have a Linux server instead of a Windows server, will it run JAQ?

Yes. JAQ uses a programming language and database compatible with both Windows and Linux environments.

Can I get features changed or added.

Yes, most of the time, it depends on what new feature or change you want.

Because JAQ is used by other businesses, they will also get any new features or changes you ask for. So we need to make sure the change you requested wont break their JAQ.

Most requested changes and additions are incorporated into JAQ in some way. The process of making a change or adding a feature can take a few days or weeks, depending on the complexity.

How do I pronounce "JAQ", what does it stand for and how old is it??

JAQ is pronounced "jack", the Q sounds like a K. Think Compaq, Nasdaq.

Its short for Jobs And Quotes.

The first official JAQ version was live in 2007, and the first user was a digital printing business in Mackay


* Currently no GST is payable.

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