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Quote PDF Background Image

JAQ can add a background image to the quote PDF to make the quote look more professional and stand out from competitors quotes. This is like a watermark on the PDF, and could be a photo, graphic or your logo.

You can have as many background images as you like, so you can choose the one that suits the type of quote you are putting together.

You first need to prepare the background images before they can be added to quotes, but you only need to do this once for each image. After that the images are available for any quote.

First you need to choose an image. Ideally it should not be to complicated, you want a simple image that wont distract from the quote.

Next you need to resize the image into a portrait layout, as show here. JAQ will stretch the image to suit a A4 size sheet, so you need to think about the positioning of the image, how best to crop it, etc.

A standard A4 sheet is 210mm wide and 290mm high, so that's a scale of approx 1:1.4

A width between 400 to 1000 pixels is ok, so if we have a image that's 500 pixels wide, it should be 700 high.

We also need to fade the image so the text of the quote is easily read over the image. This will need some experimentation. Typically you reduce the contrast and increase the brightness. The background should be white.

If you need help preparing your background image, you can send the raw image to us and we can do the work for you. (

Next you need to save the image as a JPG file, into the network U:/Documents/Watermarks* folder. JAQ can use any images in the Watermarks folder for quotes.

When you next edit the quote PDF, the Background Watermark drop down menu will list any images found in the Watermarks folder, and use the one you selected as the background image for your PDF

* The Library/Documents/Watermarks folder could be in different locations, depending on your JAQ installation. If you are using a cloud server, it could be J:/Library/Documents/Watermarks. If your JAQ is installed on a local server, it could be U:/Documents/Watermarks. If you cant find the folder, please contact JAQ Support (